Nagan Raya - Head of Section (Kasi) Permits the Department of Forestry and Plantation (Dishutbun) Nagan Raya, Ettis give clarification on the news yesterday foyer on page 19 entitled "The police do not Padam Problem Wood" because he values the title as it is very detrimental to themselves and the institution , even discredit the police in Nagan Raya.
"I was there contacted by phone by reporters Porch in Nagan Raya. To him I explained about the documents that must be held while transporting wood, but I never said police do not know about the illegal timber," said Ettis who contact the Editor Porch in Banda Aceh via phone yesterday afternoon. He admitted calling the foyer of the workspace Wakapolres Nagan Raya, Commissioner Erwan SH MH. Previously, the Wakapolres also called Porch in Banda Aceh has objected to the news headings. "A little amount of me and my men in Nagan Raya is understood about the wood. Definitely can we distinguish where illegal timber, which is also legal," said the police commissioner who holds a master of the law.
Both Ettis and Wakapolres Nagan Raya objected to the title and content of news that seemed to pit between the Dishutbun with the Police Nagan Raya. "Therefore, it should be clarified so as not to cause all sorts of images," said Wakapolres. Ettis added, except for the statement that "the police do not understand about illegal timber", all the contents of the news published yesterday foyer according to what he explained to reporters Porch in Nagan Raya when contacted on Thursday (4/12) afternoon.
In the news, among other Ettis explained that the new timber transport can be said to be legal if it has a Memorandum of Transport, Certificate of Origin (SKAU) for timber growing on the land / land property rights signed by local keuchik. This SKAU can only be issued after the document Propisi Forest Resources and pay reforestation funds are calculated in US dollar (USD) and has Invoices Processed Wood Transportation (FAKO).
According to him, there are only two companies in the area which now has permission Nagan processing wood for trafficked within and outside the region. Both companies are PUIA Krueng Isep and an other company in the District of Darul Makmur. "While wood panglong owned businesses operating in Ulee Lukman Street, District Beutong, now no longer allowed to conduct business activities, because the permit has expired," he said. Explanation Ettis it to respond to the arrest of a truck loaded with tens of cubic meters of timber were allegedly illegally on Wednesday (3/12). But upon further inspection, the truck with wood was finally released police. Wakapolres reason Nagan Raya, truckloads of wood was removed because after examination, all complete license.
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