
December 16th Session of Corruption Dasni Yuzar

Banda Aceh - Court Corruption (Corruption) Banda Aceh will hold a trial of corruption cases funding from the Government of Aceh to Lhokseumawe Cakradonya Foundation in 2010 amounted to Rp 1 billion, on Tuesday, December 16th, 2014.

The suspect in this case is Dasni Yuzar, founder of the current Cakradonya Foundation, served as the Regional Secretary (Government Secretary) Lhokseumawe. The other suspect, ileza Maulana (27), the biological child Dasni which he serves as director on the foundation and Dasni younger brother named Amir Nizam (48). Secretary at the foundation.

Public Relations District Court (PN) Banda Aceh. Makaroda Hafat MHum to the Porch., Friday (5/12) yesterday said the court had received the case file the case of Public Prosecutor (Prosecutor) Kejari Lhokseumawe on Friday (5/12) yesterday.

The three suspects will be tried by a panel of judges consisting of Ainal Mardhiah MH (chairman), Syaiful Has'ari Zulfan Efendi SH and SH (members). "Session on Tuesday, December 16th. Still, to this day three was a prisoner in Lhokseumawe city," he said.

Since the docket three suspects has been delegated to the Corruption Court in Banda Aceh, the city arrest imposed on Dasni with his sister and his son on November 20 last, automatically ends on Friday. After this, the authority to detain or not the accused during the trial, was in the hands of judges. "Any change in the status of detention shall be decided in court," said Makaroda.

Meanwhile, Attorney General State Attorney (prosecutor Kejari) Lhokseumawe said it would set a schedule for the calling of witnesses in accordance with the schedule. "After hearing schedule is set, then we schedule a call witnesses who numbered about 18 people from Lhokseumawe and domiciled in Banda Aceh," the district attorney said Mukhlis MH through Kasi Lhokseumawe Special Fidana. Yusnar Yusuf to the Porch in Lhokseumawe yesterday.

Previously reported. Attorney investigator Aceh bestow Dasni with the child and his brother to the prosecutor stated Kejari Lhokseumawe after a complete file on the alleged corruption of funds for the foundation's Rp1 billion from the Bureau Privileges and Public Welfare (Isra) Secretariat of Aceh in 2010. Based on the Audit Report BPKP Representative Aceh Number: SR-1896 / PW01 / 05/2014 dated 10 September 2010 the country experienced a loss of Rp1 billion in this case. According to the prosecution, the Foundation Cakradonya not entitled to receive the budget because, status when receiving a transfer of funds has not been incorporated.

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